Sanshui released the first ceramic waste fired brick Union stand

Addtime:2016-01-17 11:14:52

Sanshui released the first Union standards, the coverage reached 100%. June 12, Sanshui District, ceramic waste fired brick Standards Alliance conference held in Sanshui District Bureau of Quality Supervision, marking the Sanshui ceramic waste fired brick Standard Alliance and Union standards officially released.
Currently, Sanshui District, ceramics, cement, building materials and other industries in the economy still accounts for a large proportion of these industries are in daily production activities generate a lot of waste. In order to protect the environment, the effective use of these residues, the District Bureau of Quality Supervision has been exploring the relevant production standards, developed Sanshui District launched first standard Union "Foshan Sanshui ceramic waste fired brick Standards Alliance", and in May this year, the smooth through expert validation.

According to the District Quality Supervision Bureau, responsible person, ceramic brick production not only waste produced annually Sanshui ceramics and other building materials and boiler operation produces about 450,000 tons of waste has been used effectively, but also brought good economic and social benefits, if by waste treatment costs 5 yuan per tonne basis, cost savings can be more than 200 million energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

Conference, the District Bureau of Quality Supervision and business representatives to join the alliance signing ceremony, the current Sanshui ceramic waste fired brick industry consortium standard coverage reached 100%.

The official said, Sanshui District, ceramic waste fired brick establishment of the alliance as well as the standard Union standards officially released, will further standardize future ceramic waste fired brick market to raise the overall level of production process and industrial competitiveness of the brand, is the Sanshui ceramic waste fired brick industry milestone.